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Personal life essay

Personal life essay

personal life essay

Personal Story of My Life. 9 Pages Words November Saved essays Save your essays here so you can locate them quickly! Personal Life Personal Strengths Strengths. 1 Page Words. One of the Biggest Regrets in My Life. One of the biggest regrets in my life was not talking to my dear grandfather before he passed away. My grandfather was a proud Essay On Personal Life. Words 4 Pages. Personal Essay Coming from a country that is so culturally different from the United States, I have been given a unique perspective to the societal ideals of America and the world of academia. I was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece, and trying to depart my home country to study in the US was a

Personal life essay Essay — Free college essays

Paper Types. You are free personal life essay use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. I am the third of five children: I have two older sisters and two younger brothers. My big family helped me to realize the importance of family relations and it has been a basis of my future convictions. Person is an indivisible part of the family. Another thing about my childhood is that I have been involved in the nursing field from the time I could work. I started my nursing practice as a nurse aid at the age of sixteen. Strange as it may seem, I never seriously thought about being a nurse until many years later and many failed attempts at other careers.

My transcript speaks for itself. I went a long way to nursing: I did not become a nurse until I was thirty one and pregnant at the time with twins. My professional choice is thoughtful and I do know what I want to get from the course. I am not a light-minded girl and I have my own life principle, and I always try to adhere to it. Such philosophy came as a result of my life, of my experience, and I believe that it helps me to withstand difficult situations. As English proverb claims, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, and I totally agree with it, personal life essay. Usually, tangible achievements come as a result of long and hard work. I perceive difficult tasks just like challenges and I understand that they are beneficial to my skills and my experience.

Nursing school was not easy, studying in Framingham state college is not easy, but I know that I will reap the benefits in the end. It takes some doing to achieve good results, but I know it is the way it always happens, personal life essay. Nursing is not an easy profession but I do believe that it is a way to help people understand that they should work for their wellness too, they should cooperate with nurses and then any results are achievable. When I think back now as to why I went into nursing school, I cannot come up with any clear reason. May be, personal life essay, it was personal life essay moment of inspiration, because then I had no strong intention of being a nurse.

However, now I know that this is what I was destined to do with my life. All careers I have tried failed to provide that certainty. I have my own perception of nursing practice, and it is my own professional philosophy. I am here to help people live a healthier, personal life essay, happier, and longer life. I am not striving for lofty aims; neither do I resort to common knowledge. I just feel that it is the very thing that nurses should do. Though I have come up with this idea, it is difficult to adhere to it. I feel that frequently I fail to promote this philosophy and focus on the immediate task. And that is why I study more and hone my skills. I work as an personal life essay room nurse now, personal life essay. Actually, it is rather hard to stand back and look at the patient as a whole when you are trying to fix him or her.

Current and urgent actions outweigh philosophical questions and perceptual issues. Now I realize that helping people to recover their health does not come to just fixing their blood pressure or their broken arm. While having them in the emergency room it is teaching that I perform to help them personal life essay with their illness or limitations. In order to better serve the patient and the family I need to consider the person as a physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental being, personal life essay. This concept is difficult in itself, but to make people think that they are able to recover, personal life essay, to communicate with their relatives, to provide help and support I should embody this concept.

Just corresponding to my nursing career my philosophy of nursing is always changing and evolving, personal life essay. New circumstances and new cases help me to concentrate on important psychological aspects of nursing, to realize needs of ill people and make necessary decisions. They make my understanding of human needs more profound, and this enables me to help them to live healthy, happy and long lives. We as nurses do not necessarily need to change the patient or family environment. To say the least, personal life essay, it is a difficult task, personal life essay. But what we can do is help them to cope with the environment that they live in to promote wellness. But we must inform our patients about what the way to wellness looks like. We do need to let patient know that it is not always easy.

There is no one pill that cures everything. Here my own life philosophy coincides with the Framingham state college idea. I think that there are no easy ways to deal with serious illness or limitation. So in order to evaluate some compromise way to recover that would be easy to follow I explore the patient as a whole: his or her lifestyle, habits, environment, etc. I usually try to persuade people that in order to get better or prevent their illness they should change something: say, their behavior, habits, diet, or lifestyles. As prevention is better that cure, personal life essay, the college emphasizes the importance of prevention, personal life essay.

Whether prevention means reduction of risk of being ill or general promotion of wellness or it personal life essay in-time detection and prevention of further worsening, or even prevention of consequences of the existing illness, it is achieved through promotion of wellness. The philosophy of college claims that promotion of wellness is an important part of the cure, and my personal philosophy also supports this idea. Everyone has an ability to withstand the illness being provided with a professional and timely help. And then it is necessary to understand that nurses are able to provide that kind of help, but not everything can be done by nurses. The Framingham college course underlines the importance of nurses in preventive health care. Nurses can influence people and make decisions concerning their health conditions.

It is not a part of usual nursing course, and it is important to integrate these principles of preventive health care into usual working practice. Personal life essay I have mentioned, it is not that easy but in the long run worth doing. It requires new skills and knowledge of behavioral and natural sciences and change of attitude to the patient sometimes. What is really important for the college philosophy is not just taking care of health, but providing education, assistance and advocacy to people. Nurses should not be just medical profession, they should communicate with their patients and involve them into decision making if necessary. But the role of nurse must be leading as nurses are responsible for all decisions.

Also, nurses should hone their skills constantly in communities, within collectives, and strive for betterment of their nursing practice. Actually, promoting wellness is a complex mission and it requires certain skills and approaches. I think that in general my personal philosophy does comply with the philosophy of the college. Personal life essay philosophy requires nurses to learn constantly and to improve their skills, personal life essay, to change the professional attitude to patients from the medical to more humanistic, socioeconomic, etc. I understand that it is necessary and in the long run it will improve my nursing skills noticeably.

Professional nurses should be able to help patients to withstand their illnesses, and not only by means of pills and injections. Promoting wellness is a part of prevention of future diseases. For me, this idea is really great and it is the very thing I need to study and promote, personal life essay. It corresponds to my idea of providing wellness through nursing, and to my philosophy of life, personal life essay. Life is not easy, work is not easy, but we as nurses can ease lives of our patients and help them to recover.

All we need is improvement of nursing skills with social and humanities studies. Then patients face the reality and come up with idea that nothing comes without efforts. They realize that they are provided with extraordinary help but their wellness depends on personal life essay own efforts, too. So the philosophy of college, my personal professional philosophy and my philosophy of personal life essay are interwoven; though college idea of nursing is stable, my own convictions change as I learn more and improve my experience. We as nurses are always working towards the highest level of personal life essay, either in our personal life essay, in our careers, or in our self.

And we need to do the same for our patients, as we possess knowledge that is unavailable to our patients. We as nurses have an extraordinary influence on our patients and the public. We need to promote education and have the ability to promote compliance. We need to look at the personal life essay or family as a whole and remember that at some point in time we will have someone in the health care system and could only wish the same care we would give. The Role of Modern Governor, Essay Example. Carter G. Woodson, Research Paper Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now.

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personal life essay

Free Personal Life Essays and Papers. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Better Essays. The Definition Of Knowledge And Personal Life. Words. 3 Pages. The Definition Of Knowledge And Personal Life. knowledge clear. My definition of knowledge is facts or opinions which are generated through the help of the ways of knowing and the process itself, and I narrow word | 1 Page. An important accomplishment in a person’s life is a big step of the road of success, it lightens the way a person takes and motivates him towards the goal, and it builds the person’s life. Without accomplishments a person’s life will be meaningless and unimportant. Personal Life Success Essay On Personal Life. Words 4 Pages. Personal Essay Coming from a country that is so culturally different from the United States, I have been given a unique perspective to the societal ideals of America and the world of academia. I was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece, and trying to depart my home country to study in the US was a

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