Essay On Unemployment In India. INTRODUCTION. Even today, unemployment is one of India’s most crucial socio-economic problems. Unemployment is the phenomenon where a person is not gainfully employed in a productive activity (Sethi and Andrews, ). It can be voluntary or involuntary Essay # 5. Causes of Unemployment in India: The following factors are responsible for unemployment problem in India: 1. Backwardness of Agriculture: There is under-employment and unemployment in rural areas because of heavy pressure of population on land and primitive methods of agricultural operations IV. CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN INDIA Though there are various factors that affecting the unemployment but some important factors which may be responsible for unemployment problem in India are as follows: 1. Backwardness and monsoon based agriculture in some regions and not reasonable price for agricultural produces. 2
Essay on Unemployment in India: Look at the Most Essential Topic of India for UPSC
In this essay we will discuss about Unemployment in India. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Unemployment in India 2. Nature of Unemployment Problem in India 3. Extent 4. Causes 5. Remedial Measures 6. Characteristics 7. Employment Policy and Schemes 8. Growth of Employment and Others. Unemployment is a common economic malady faced by each and every country of the world, essay on unemployment in india, irrespective of their economic essay on unemployment in india and the level of development achieved. But the nature essay on unemployment in india unemployment prevailing in underdeveloped or developing countries sharply differs to that of developed countries of the world.
While the developed countries are facing unemployment, mostly of Keynesian involuntary and frictional types but the underdeveloped or developing countries like India are facing structural unemployment arising from high rate of growth of population and slow economic growth. Structural unemployment may be open or disguised type. But the most serious type of unemployment from which those undeveloped countries like India are suffering includes its huge underemployment or disguised unemployment in the rural sector. Unemployment is a serious problem. It indicates a situation where the total number of job vacancies is much less than essay on unemployment in india total number of job seekers in the country. It is a kind of situation where the unemployed persons do not find any meaningful or gainful job in-spite of having willingness and capacity to work.
Thus unemployment leads to a huge wastage of manpower resources. India is one of those ill-fated underdeveloped countries which is suffering from a huge unemployment problem, essay on unemployment in india. Agriculture, though a principal occupation in the rural areas of the country, is seasonal in nature. It cannot provide work to the rural population of the country throughout the year. In the absence of multiple cropping system and subsidiary occupation in the rural areas, a large number of rural population has to sit idle 5 to 7-months in a year. Seasonal Unemployment is also prevalent in some agro- based industries viz. Indian agriculture is also suffering from disguised or perennial unemployment due to excessive pressure of population. In disguised unemployment apparently it seems that everyone is employed but in reality sufficient full time work is not available for all.
In India, about 72 per cent of the working population is engaged in agriculture and allied activities. In more than million persons were engaged in the agricultural and allied activities whereas in about million persons are found engaged in the same sector resulting in as many as 60 million surplus population who are left with virtually no work in agriculture and allied activities. In the urban areas of the country, industrial unemployment is gradually becoming acute. With the increase in the size of urban population and with the exodus of population in large number from rural to the urban industrial areas to seek employment, industrialization because of slow growth could not provide sufficient employment opportunities to the growing number of urban population.
Thus the rate of growth of employment in the industrial sector could not keep pace with the growth of urban industrial workers leading to a huge industrial unemployment in the country. Essay on unemployment in india distinct type of unemployment which is mostly common in almost all the urban areas of the country is known as educated unemployment, essay on unemployment in india. This problem is very much acute among the middle class people, essay on unemployment in india. With rapid expansion of general education in the country the number of out-turn of educated people is increasing day by day. But due to slow growth of technical and vocational educational facilities, essay on unemployment in india, a huge number of manpower is unnecessarily diverted towards general education leading to a peculiar educated unemployment problem in the country.
The total number of educated unemployment increased from 5. In view of the growing problem of unemployment and under-employment prevailing in the country it is very difficult to make an estimate of the total number of unemployment in a country like India. Various agencies like Planning Commission, CSO, NSS etc. could not provide any dependable estimate about the magnitude of unemployment in India. As per the estimates of unemployment made in the Five Year Plan the backlog of unemployment which was 5. The number of unemployed as percentage of total labour force which was 2. The Committee of Experts on Unemployment under the Chairmanship of Mr. Bhagawati observed in its report that total number of unemployed in was Moreover, unemployment as percentage of total labour force was to the extent of As per the Employment data, the number of registered job seekers in India rose from Total number of educated job seekers has also increased from 5.
At the end of Januarytotal number of registered job seekers in India was As on 1st April,total number of unemployed persons in India was 7, essay on unemployment in india. The International Labour Organisation ILO report World Employment observed that 22 per cent of all male workers in India are underemployed or unemployed and the figure is rising. The employment in the modern sector in India grew only by 1,6 per cent per annum in s, Underemployment in the rural areas also remained high. The National Sample Survey Organisation NSSO developed three concepts of unemployment since The magnitude to usual status unemployment chronic unemployment rose from 1.
The total employment at the beginning of essay on unemployment in india estimated to be Again as per the NSS tentative estimates of unemployment for Aprilthe usual status and daily status unemployment were 3. By adjusting these estimates, Arun Ghosh estimated the backlog of unemployment in April as—13 million of usual status and 20 million of daily status. At the end of each Five Year Plan, essay on unemployment in india, the backlog of unemployment in India has been increasing as the volume of employment generated cannot match this additional number of labour included in work force.
As per document of the Sixth Plantotal number of unemployed was Ninth Plan estimated the total backlog of unemployment as Thus a huge portion of our national resources has been constantly used for the generation of employment opportunities so as to clear the backlog of unemployment arising from rapidly rising population. It is generally estimated that nearly 50 per cent of the total population of the country requires employment although in many countries like China, Thailand etc. So, taking the employment ratio of 50 per cent, the employment requirement of India is 52 crore which is again increasing by nearly 80 lakh per annum as the population is growing by 1. As per official estimate, total employment in the country was 41 crore in and it grew by at the rate of 41 lakh annually, during the period This official employment figure is somewhat inflated as it included disguised unemployment existing in rural areas of the country.
But the level of unemployment existing at present is around 10 crore and that unemployment figure is again increasing by nearly 40 lakh per year due to our increasing size of population. In view of the centrality of the employment objective in the overall process of socio-economic development as also to ensure availability of work opportunities in sufficient numbers, a special group on targeting ten million employment per year over the Tenth Plan period was constituted by Planning Commission under the Chairmanship of Dr. Gupta, Member, Planning Commission. Considering the need for generating employment opportunities which are gainful, the Special Group has recommended the use of Current Daily Status CDS for measuring employment, as this measure of employment is net of the varying degrees of underemployment experienced by those who are otherwise classified employed on usual status basis.
The Special Group has made following estimate of employment and essay on unemployment in india in India on current daily status CDS basis. Table But unemployment rate in the country during the period to increased from 5. During the same period, the unemployment rate in rural areas of the country increased from 5. Total number of unemployed also increased from Finally, as per the data available from employment exchanges in the country, the number of essay on unemployment in india seekers registered with employment exchanges as on September, all of whom are not necessarily unemployed was of the order of 4. The number of women job seekers registered was of the order of 1. The maximum number of job seekers awaiting employment were in West Bengal The placement was maximum in Gujarat whereas the registration was maximum in U.
The placement effected by the employment exchanges at all India level during was of the order of 1. The National Sample Survey Organisation NSSOas per one of its recent surveys made in observed that the proportionate unemployment rate in India at present stands at 2. The latest and seventh quinquennial NSSO, Survey, essay on unemployment in india, namely 61st round conducted during July to June constituted an important source of information on employment and unemployment. The 6ist round of NSSO survey revealed a faster increase in employment during to as compared to 94 to It would now be better to essay on unemployment in india at the current estimates of employment and unemployment in the country made by Planning Commission.
In the meantime, the Eleventh Five year Flan has largely used the Current Daily Status CDS basis of estimation of employment and unemployment in the country. It captures the unemployed days of the chronically unemployed, the unemployed days of usually employed who became intermittently unemployed during the reference week and unemployed days of those classified as employed according to the criterion of current weekly status. With the increase in the population of the country, the number of labour force is increasing faster than the number of work force resulting growing number of unemployment in the country.
Intotal number of labour force in India was Intotal labour force of the country was However, the growth of labour force in per cent per annum increased from 2. But the growth of work force in per cent per annum increased from 2. Moreover, the unemployment rate as a proportion of labour force decreased from 9. Estimates on employment and unemployment on CDS basis [Table During toabout 47 million work opportunities were created compared to only 24 million in the period between and Employment growth accelerated from 1. However, since the labour force grew at a faster rate of 2. The incidence of unemployment on CDS basis increased from 7.
It would also be better to look at the sectoral employment shares by current daily status in the country. The decline in overall growth of employment during to was largely due to the lower absorption in agriculture. The share of agriculture in total employment dropped from 61 per cent to 57 per cent. This trend continued and the share of agriculture in total employment further dropped to 52 per cent in The other important sectors whose shares in employment have increased are transport, storage and communications apart from financial, insurance, real estate, business and community, social and personal services [Table
The problem of unemployment in India -- complete Essay in English 2021-22
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EssayTyper types your essay in minutes! Having short due dates on your essays can be frustrating. Many of our customers resort to asking friends for help or pulling all-nighters to draft and submit messy work just for the sake of meeting the blogger.comg: india Essay # 5. Causes of Unemployment in India: The following factors are responsible for unemployment problem in India: 1. Backwardness of Agriculture: There is under-employment and unemployment in rural areas because of heavy pressure of population on land and primitive methods of agricultural operations Dec 06, · Solutions to Reduce Unemployment Rate. Collective efforts directed by the Government as well as citizens towards the following points might help alleviate the problem of unemployment in the country. 1. Increased Industrialization: One of the most sure-shot remedies of the unemployment situation in India is rapid industrialization. Increased number of
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